DocumentationDataJSONLD context tricks

JSON-LD context tricks

Helpful hints on how to work with UiB-UB datasets using JSONLD Contexts.

Create language props suitable for indexing

json-ld context is a way to define a vocabulary for a JSON document. It is used to define the meaning of properties in a JSON document. It is also used to define the meaning of properties in a JSON-LD document. The context is a JSON object that maps property names to IRIs. The context can be used to define a default language for properties, and to define language-specific properties.

The following example shows how to create language-specific properties for indexing in Elasticsearch.

  "@context": {
    "ex": "",
    "@language": "ja",
    "name": { "@id": "ex:name", "@language": null },
    "occupation": { "@id": "ex:occupation" },
    "occupation_en": { "@id": "ex:occupation", "@language": "en" },
    "occupation_cs": { "@id": "ex:occupation", "@language": "cs" }
  "name": "Yagyū Muneyoshi",
  "occupation": "忍者",
  "occupation_en": "Ninja",
  "occupation_cs": "Nindža",