Merge conflicts in package-lock.json in Pull Request
If you get merge conflicts in package-lock.json in a Pull Request, you can fix it by running:
git checkout main
git pull origin main
git checkout <branch with conflicts
git merge main
git checkout --theirs package-lock.json
git add .
git commit -m "fix: merge conflicts in package-lock.json"
npm install
# Commit package-lock.json and push
# Check that build is ok
Vercel looks for missing linux build for some packages
For some reason Vercel does not install linux packages for turbo, esbuild and @napi-rs/simple-git. Solution is to add them to the package-lock.json file, but there are som black magic here…
A solution is to install os specific packages and commit the package-lock.json file. This is not a good solution, but it works.
npm install -D --arch=arm64 --platform=darwin esbuild @napi-rs/simple-git
npm install -D --arch=arm64 --platform=linux esbuild @napi-rs/simple-git
Invalid hook call error in React caused by transpilation
Solution suggested here:
No inputs were found in config file in TypeScript
Fix is to add at least on .ts file
VS Code complains that env variables not in turbo.json
Ths can be solved by restaring the eslint server.