Reconciling data

Reconciling data

UB-SPES have used vocabulariets/concept schemes/registries from the very start. From card catalogues to controlled strings and SKOS Concepts. The data is available in the UB-SPES SPARQL endpoint (opens in a new tab) and the concept schemes are available at (opens in a new tab). "Løvetann emneregister" is also included.

Status of the concept schemes

  1. Arabisk emneordregister
    • Integrate in bigger schema?
  2. Sudansamlingens stedsregister
    • Remove as it is not a concept scheme?
  3. Språksamlinganes emneordregister
    • Integrate in bigger schema?
  4. Nordlandshandelens arkiv - Typologitermer
    • Detailed and well maintained, integrate in form/genre schema?
  5. Diplomsamlingens autoritetsregister
    • Mostly places and some concepts. Integrate in bigger schema?
  6. Elektronisk litteratur emneregister
    • Integrate in bigger schema.
  7. test-manlib
    • Remove as it is not a concept scheme? Test for cleaning up the next schema?
  8. Manuskript- og librarsamlingens autoritetsregister
    • Persons, places and concepts. Often about the same "thing". Integrate in bigger schema? Clean up and map to HumOrd?
  9. Sudansamlingens autoritetsregister over familier og slekter (nisba)
    • Remove as it is not a concept scheme? Use Set to group things as this?
  10. Sudansamlingens aktørregister
    • Remove as it is not a concept scheme? Use Set to group things as this?
  11. Monumenter i Bergen
    • Use Set to group things as this? Should be finished, as Tarje and Irene only got halfway around bergen.
  12. Billedsamlingens emneord
    • In good shape. Merge with KulturNav concept scheme based on this one?
  13. Fagregister 1927-1928
    • Ok, as it uses old terms? Integrate in bigger schema?
  14. Knudsen områder
    • Keep as it catches Knud Knudsens areas of interest and place names in Norway at the time.
  15. Løvetann emneord
    • Part of the journal "Løvetann" and should be kept as such?


Download the data

Download the ConceptScheme as JSON from this list


Import the JSON into OpenRefine or other suitable tool like PoolParty or VocBench. Kulturnav does not support the Reconciliation Service API v0.2 so it cannot be used directly with OpenRefine. Some solution should be found for this.


Export the reconciled data as RDF/XML or Turtle and upload to the Marcus SPARQL endpoint (opens in a new tab)


Arabisk emneordregister

Download JSON (opens in a new tab)10 concepts.Link to Marcus. (opens in a new tab)

Top concepts

  • ٱلتَّقْوِيم ٱلْهِجْرِيّ

Emneregister for Prosjekt sikre samlinger (PSS). Prosjekt for samlingssikring

Download JSON (opens in a new tab)1 concepts.Link to Marcus. (opens in a new tab)

Nordlandshandelens arkiv - Typologitermer

Download JSON (opens in a new tab)47 concepts.Link to Marcus. (opens in a new tab)

Top concepts

  • Regnskap - hovedterm
  • Eiendoms- og forretningsarkiv - hovedterm
  • Korrespondanse - hovedterm

Diplomsamlingens autoritetsregister

Download JSON (opens in a new tab)309 concepts.Link to Marcus. (opens in a new tab)

Top concepts

  • Salg
  • Testament

Manuskript- og librarsamlingens autoritetsregister

Download JSON (opens in a new tab)15631 concepts.Link to Marcus. (opens in a new tab)

Sudansamlingens autoritetsregister over familier og slekter (nisba)

Download JSON (opens in a new tab)3 concepts.Link to Marcus. (opens in a new tab)

Billedsamlingens emneord

Download JSON (opens in a new tab)9002 concepts.Link to Marcus. (opens in a new tab)

Top concepts

  • Religiøs virksomhet
  • Klær
  • Gjenstander
  • Inn til vegge
  • Kulturell virksomhet
  • Organisasjoner og lag
  • Krig
  • Kropp
  • Samisk kultur
  • Høytider
  • Landskap
  • Helse- og sosialvesen
  • Interiør
  • Arbeidsliv og næringer
  • Kommunikasjon
  • Fritid og fest
  • Dyr
  • Klima og vær
  • Arkitektur og byggeskikk
  • Idrett
  • Historie
  • Aktiviteter
  • Mat
  • Utdanning
  • Folk
  • Samfunn, stat og kommune
  • Alders og kjønnsgrupper

Emneregister for Prosjekt sikre samlinger (PSS). Prosjekt for samlingssikring

Download JSON (opens in a new tab)51 concepts.Link to Marcus. (opens in a new tab)